Monday, January 21, 2013

Addiction Alchemy Medicine Wheel

I saw this on facebook and thought it was interesting .... and worth sharing ...

The Medicine Wheel is a map of the cosmology of All That Is, both physical and spiritual, seen and unseen, above and below.  We move in the wheel by orienting ourselves in time and space, as symbolized by the equal armed cross, through the powers and protection of the cardinal directions: East, South,West, North, Center, Up and Down.

Although the Medicine Wheel is a man-made structure, it is deeply connected to the universal powers contained in the entire cosmos, including the earth, the earth's magnetic field, the elements, the solar system, as well as our own bodies. Because the Medicine Wheel is created with conscious intention, it activates the ability of humans to acknowledge, honor and co-create with Great Spirit.

The Medicine Wheel, through its correspondences and associations gives us greater knowledge, awareness and insight into the interconnectivity of all things, including our own nature, and all our relations. It can help us bring ourselves, and our world into a state of wholeness by providing the keys and context to help us decode spiritual messages in our everyday environment, as well as dreams, visions and synchronicities. This allows us to come to better understand and connect with all the parts of ourselves. As we learn more about ourselves we come to know more about being human. We integrate our whole Self, our GodSelf and reach the center of our own being.

When you step into a Medicine Wheel you are honoring the Great Mystery. Ask a question and go to a stone or a place in the wheel and meditate, reflect, become still and watchful. Pay great attention to anything that shows up in the physical, such as birds, insects, plants and animals, as well as the weather and time of day. They are messengers.

When you are complete leave the circle and check the Legend to see what energies you were working with. Conversely, you can choose from the Legend a stone on the Medicine Wheel and then work with it consciously. Later you may want to journal.

As you step out of the wheel and go back into the "real" world you'll want to continue to "track" for spiritual messages and relate them back to the wheel. This will begin to reveal profound insights to you,and you will become more connected to everything. New ways and modes of being will unfold in your life as the wisdom of the Great Mystery is integrated into your being. In Native American tradition this is called, The Good Red Road Home, but can also be thought of as the walk up the Tree of Life or the Middle Path or Pillar.

The Medicine Wheel is a sacred stone temple. Please use care and reverence when working with the Medicine Wheel. The reverence that you use in the wheel is a reflection of the respect that you have for yourself and all life. Become the Tracker!


Source: Rev. Renee Bledsoe
She Who Weaves the Web

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